David Winchester, MD


David E. Winchester, MD
David E. Winchester, MD, MS, FACP, FACC

Assistant Professor of Medicine
Co-Director – Cardiac Imaging Division at Department of Radiology

Email: David.Winchester@medicine.ufl.edu

TEL: (352) 273-9076
FAX: (352) 846-0314

Dr. David Winchester is an Assistant Professor in the UF Division of Cardiovascular Medicine.  Dr. Winchester has active research projects on the evaluation of chest pain in the emergency department and appropriate use of nuclear stress testing. He serves as the Cardiology Liaison for the Chest Pain Evaluation Center at Shands at UF. Dr. Winchester is enthusiastic about running and a native of Tallahassee, FL.


degree/program institution field/specialty
BS University of Florida Microbiology
BS University of Florida Sociology
MD University of South Florida Medicine
Residency University of Virginia Internal Medicine
Fellowship University of Florida Cardiology
MS University of Florida Clinical and Translational Science

Academic/Research Interests:

Dr. Winchester’s academic interest is in general cardiology.  His research interests include the evaluation of chest pain in the emergency department, appropriate use of cardiac CT, and meta-analysis. He serves as a co-investigator of the PROMISE trial and as the Cardiology Liaison for the Shands Chest Pain Evaluation Center.

Clinical Interests:

Dr. Winchester practices general cardiology with a focus on noninvasive imaging including echocardiography, nuclear cardiology and cardiac computed tomography (CT). He is interested in caring for runners and other athletes with heart problems.


Winchester DE, Jois P, Shifrin RY, Stomp D. Design and implementation of a stand-alone Chest Pain Evaluation Center within an academic emergency department. Crit Pathw Cardiol. 2012 Sep;11(3):123-7

Winchester DE, Brearley WD, Wen X, Park KE, Bavry AA. Efficacy and safety of unfractionated heparin plus plycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors during revascularization for an acute coronary syndrome: a meta-analysis of randomized trials performed with stents and thienopyridines. Clin Cardiol. 2012;35(2):93-100

Winchester DE, Jois P, Kraft SM, Wymer DC, Hill JA. Immediate computed tomography coronary angiography versus delayed outpatient stress testing for detecting coronary artery disease in emergency department patients with chest pain. Int J CV Imag. 2012 Mar;28(3):667-74

Winchester DE, Wen X, Brearley WD, Park KE, Anderson RD, Bavry AA. Efficacy and Safety of Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors During Elective Coronary Revascularization: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials Performed in the Era of Stents and Thienopyridines. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011;57(10):1190-9,PMID: 21371635

Winchester DE, Wymer DC, Shifrin RY, Kraft SM, Hill JA. Responsible use of computed tomography in the evaluation of coronary artery disease and chest pain. Mayo Clin Proc. 2010;85(4):358-364, PMID: 20360294

Winchester DE, Wen X, Xie L, Bavry AA. Evidence of Pre-Procedural Statin Therapy: a Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010;56(14):1099-1109, PMID: 20825761

Winchester DE, Ragosta M, Taylor AM. Concurrence of angiographic coronary artery disease in patients with apical ballooning syndrome (tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy). Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2008;72(5):612-6, PMID: 18798323